BC Marine Conservation Analysis

business card, design and photography by Rocketday, 2011
A comprehensive, digital collection of over 310 maps in more than 20 different categories, illustrating both ecological and human use marine features of the Canadian Pacific.
The BC Marine Conservation Analysis project is a collaborative endeavour, with participants from Coastal First Nations, the Province of BC, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Living Oceans Society, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, BC Seafood Alliance and Parks Canada, among others.
The project gathers mapped information about both marine biodiversity and human activity in Canada’s Pacific, and analyzes it. The goal is to provide a clearer understanding of which marine areas are the most important for human use, and which are the most important ecologically for us to conserve and protect. These maps and analyses help decision makers make more informed plans.
You can browse the online database, viewing everything from rare algae to the Canadian Goose habitat, to commercial prawn fisheries and offshore oil and gas exploration. Rocketday enjoyed working with the team over the five year build, designing and producing the website to host the maps, data and analysis. Now Rocketday acts as the project’s legacy host, ensuring that the materials are accessible for years to come.

website, design and code by Rocketday, 2008
direction, lead design & code Emrys Damon Miller
design support Jocelyn Mandryk & William Bull
code support Adam Brown & William Bull
management support Laura Gamble & Jen LeMercier
journal entry by Rocketday